Joe Hammons 应用

Twist Word 1.2
Joe Hammons
Twist your tongue for some Reading fun.
Scram Word 1.0
Joe Hammons
Unscramble letters of words then touch arrowkeys to move Smiley to the word that completes a sentence.Learn 684 of the most used words in English.This app contains no ads.No personal information is gathered.There is a quit button so the app will not run in the backgroundwhen you stop playing.State Standard: Demonstrate internalization of English grammar,usage, and word choice by recognizing and correcting errors whenreading aloud.
Paint Lites 1.2.1
Joe Hammons
This program works best on seven to ten inch tablets. PaintLitesallows kids of all ages to make beautiful pictures with on-screencolored pegs. Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivision skills can also be learned with the colored lights. Abonus game called SlingMath tests the basic math skills that havebeen learned by playing PaintLites. This application contains noads. No personal information is gathered. There is a quit button oryou can tap the back button to leave when you stop playing. StateStandards: Aids in learning basic math skills by counting objectson the screen.
Sling Word 1.0
Joe Hammons
Unscramble letters of words then drag thebardown a certain distance. Then tap the sling button to flingsmileyto the correctly spelled word.Learn 684 of the most used words in English.This app contains no ads.No personal information is gathered.There is a quit button so the app will not run in thebackgroundwhen you stop playing.State Standard: Demonstrate internalization of Englishgrammar,usage, and word choice by recognizing and correcting errorswhenreading aloud.
States Walker 2.0
Joe Hammons
Learn states and capitals in 3D.
WordMusic 1.1
Joe Hammons
Make word music by tapping each letter of an on-screen keyboard.
LearnLang 1.2
Joe Hammons
Play a game of translating and unscrambling sentences.
Word Driver 1.1
Joe Hammons
Let a Goober character help you improve your Reading and Spelling.
Remember 1.1
Joe Hammons
Play a concentration game that uses text to speech to teachReading, Spelling, and visual memory skills with choices of sightwords, high frequency words, and hundreds of Spelling words. Thisapp contains no ads. No personal information is gathered. There isa quit button. State Standard: Follow simple multiple-step writteninstructions.
AimtoLearn 1.3
Joe Hammons
Play 14 educational games that will exercise your brain. Learnletters of the alphabet, unscramble words, find missing words, andlearn the meaning of the most used words in English. Enter eight ofyour own words then play a matching game to find your words or usewords from six different grade level lists. Learn basic addition,subtraction, multiplication, and division skills by counting andtapping. Tap arrows and learn how to change words into numbers andImprove your mental math of basic math skills. Draw pictures andsolve basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division offractions’ problems. This app contains no ads. No personalinformation is gathered.
Phonemics 1.3
Joe Hammons
Early readers can build phonemic awareness.
Spell Right 1.1.1
Joe Hammons
Improve spelling and vocabulary with seven games.
Broken Calculator 1.2
Joe Hammons
Use a kids calculator to strengthen mental math skills. Some numberkeys can be temporarily disabled to challenge mental calculations.Play a math game involving nines. Text to speech is used to heareach math solution. This app is free and contains no ads. Nopersonal information is gathered. There is a quit button so the appwill not run in the background when you stop playing. StateStandard: Use mental arithmetic to solve problems involvingaddition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
Hubble Match 1.1.1
Joe Hammons
Solve out of this world puzzles from Hubble Telescope pictures.
Math Driver 1.2
Joe Hammons
Drive a jeep on a pool table and learn math.
Illusion Match 1.1.1
Joe Hammons
Solve unique puzzle pictures that are optical illusions. Kids ofall ages can improve their reading comprehension by matchingpictures with facts. There are also unique picture puzzles to solvewhich will improve your visual memory skills. Once you correctlymatch eight pictures with eight facts, you will get a password touse to solve the unique puzzle pictures any time you want. Thisapplication contains no ads. No personal information is gathered.There is a quit button or you can tap the back button to leave whenyou stop playing. State Standard: Aids reading comprehension andvisual memory.
LifeSkills 1.1.1
Joe Hammons
Play five educational games that will exercise your brain.
Deflect 1.1
Joe Hammons
A moving Smiley will help you improve Reading comprehension.
Speak Puzzle 1.2
Joe Hammons
Use voice recognition to say a sentence of no more than nine words.You will see the words of your sentence out of order. Tap each boxthat contains your word to put your sentence back in order. Thisactivity is based on the language experience approach to Readingwhich uses one's own vocabulary to teach Reading. Text to speech isused to reinforce auditory discrimination. This app contains noads. No personal information is gathered. There is a quit button sothe app will not run in the background when you stop playing. StateStandard: Use more complex vocabulary and sentences to communicateneeds and express ideas in a wider variety of social and academicsettings.
Hoop Words 1.1
Joe Hammons
Touch the screen to move Smiley toward the hoop to learn one of684of the most used words in English. Learn 158 odd butinterestingfacts. Text to speech reinforces auditory skills. Thisapp containsno ads. No personal information is gathered. There is aquitbutton. State Standard: Apply knowledge of language toachievecomprehension of texts in content areas.
FlapyMath 1.1
Joe Hammons
Learn basic math with objects on the screen to count to gettheanswer. One word is missing in sentences containing 684 of themostused words in English. Drag Flapy back then let go to sling himorher to the correct answer. This application is totally freeandcontains no ads. No personal information is gathered.
PacLearn 1.0
Joe Hammons
Play an arcade type game to learn basic reading and math skills.
Mole Read 1.2
Joe Hammons
Touch the hole above the word that completes a sentence to learnoneof 684 of the most used words in English. Text to speech isused toimprove literacy skills. This app contains no ads. Nopersonalinformation is gathered. There is a quit button so the appwill notrun in the background when you stop playing. StateStandard: Usecontext to resolve ambiguities about word andsentence meanings.
FractParts 1.2
Joe Hammons
Learn basic fraction skills by drawing lines on the screen.
Joe Hammons
Find missing words and learn to read and spell the most usedwordsin English. Practice spelling over 1,000 words a sixthgradestudent should know. Identify a number that matches a wordnumber.Learn hundreds of interesting facts about our world. Learnantonymsby deflecting a ball to the opposite of a shown word. Learnthedefinition of 445 words. One word out of 684 is flashed andyoumust bounce the ball to the correct one of four that is shown.Thisapp contains no ads. No personal information is gathered.
Tictac5 1.1
Joe Hammons
Play five fun Javascript games.
NimNumbers 1.1.1
Joe Hammons
Play against the computer to learn the place value of two andthreedigit numbers. Use addition and multiplication skills to learnhowmuch different items would cost to take care of a pet for ayear.Tap the missing number(s) to learn the sequence ofnumbers.Practice adding ones,tens,hundreds, and thousands. Improvementalmath of subtraction, multiplication and division facts.Calculatebasic math with a broken calculator. Figure out how manyBouncersare missing. Tap on three animals to improve basic additionskills.Tap on the Alien when you have solved how many flies weretherebefore a frog ate some. Challenge your math brain with twoadditionpuzzles to solve. This app contains no ads. No personalinformationis gathered.
State Math 1.2.1
Joe Hammons
Tap your way to states and capitals knowledge.
Explorations 1.3.2
Joe Hammons
Play 13 games for 7 to 10 inch tablets that will exercise yourbrain.
Rocket Word 1.2
Joe Hammons
Fire a rocket to improve Reading and Spelling.
Edu Pool 1.2
Joe Hammons
Touch on a pool table where the ball should go to improve Readingand Math.
Flash Spell 1.1
Joe Hammons
Improve listening skills.
MakeSentence 1.0
Joe Hammons
A definition will appear out of order then touch each word to fixit.
Riddle Read
Joe Hammons
Enjoy some riddles and improve your Reading.
Robot Math 1.1
Joe Hammons
Be challenged by a robot to strengthen your mental math skills.
DrawMath 1.0
Joe Hammons
Learn basic math skills and draw some geometric shapes.
Hear Read 1.0
Joe Hammons
Learn over 1000 facts about everything.